“From hearth to hearth” dice

“Where there is no love, put love — and you will find love.”
John of the Cross

Gary chapman raises the question: “What can be more important than to love and to be loved?” In his books, the theologian-anthropologist talks about the different “love languages” of people. From the emotional approach, there are five primary ways to express love:

  1. Words of affirmation
  2. Quality time
  3. Gifts
  4. Acts of service
  5. Physical touch

Everyone has a primary love language he uses and needs. People living in a harmonious relationships are aware of their own as well as the other’s love language. It is a wonderful gift in our lives that we can develop through learning constantly, grow in love, experience the flow of actions and reactions, we can live with healing empathy in the universe and we may do all these with thanksgiving.

“Love has only a beginning, it has no end.”

Sant Darshan Singh

The dice „ from heart to heart” helps us go through our path of life. In one moment I uplift the other person to happiness by words of affirmation. Next time there is the recognition: I need silence. In the third case of life I embrace the other person in joy and we spend quality time together. It is about actions of love, during which one can experience the happiness and joy of the heart.

The dice „from heart to heart” helps us keep our attention on the languages of love while we are enjoying the game.

The dice “from heart to heart” came into being based on the framework of the “dice of love” that was created by the Focolare community (the word focolare means hearth). Chiara Lubich, the starter of the Focolare movement, presented the world with an interpretation of the unity of love by the “dice of love.”

  1. Be the first to love
  2. Make yourself one with the other
  3. Love each other
  4. See Jesus in the other
  5. Love your enemy
  6. Love everyone

The families throw the dice in the morning together, read the motto that comes up and they try to put it in practice during the day. In the evening they share their experiences about how they could put love into practice. The “dice of love” has become a tool to strengthen the family ties so the members of the family have got closer to each other, to others, and to the Source of Love. The dice „from heart to heart” can be used the same way.

The birth of dice „from heart to heart”

The Csillaggyertyafény (Starcandlelight) Foundation in cooperation with Alitera Ltd.

ALITERA Ugyfelkapcsolat Ltd. 1188 Budapest, Nemes u. 111.; Tel. +3612944205; email: treining@alitera.hu blog webpage: http://oriasveszely.blogspot.com/

took pleasure in organizing their 30-hour “Dialogue from heart to heart ” accredited courses and mini trainings in order to help in the formation of human communities living in harmony. (OKM- 4/276/2009; FAT: PLB-1297)

Preparing for one of the trainings (Oct. 15. 2010) the dice „from heart to heart” was born in the heart of the president of the advisory board, Marta Boronte (evangelical pastor, mental hygiene expert, EMK partner trainer) as she is a committed promoter of the “dice of love.” The art work is designed by Monika Lorant in a selection of several colours (green, yellow, pink, blue, purple).

The five love languages named by Gary Chapman were put on the dice. On the sixth side we can read the thought of John of the Cross and Caddy Eileen, who realized that our first love language is silence. For us, it is the source of the five love languages. The two words, first and love are interwoven on the dice. What a great secret it is!

The paper and wooden version of the dice „from heart to heart” for young children were designed and drawn by Agnes Fenyo graphic artist. Erzsebet Katona (Alitera Ltd.) special education teacher, self-knowledge training director was pleased to give it a name

Also, a movie has been made about the dice „from heart to heart,” which families, congregations, institutes of education, nonprofit communities, self-knowledge groups and others interested in the topic enjoy watching. The presenters in the movie in the order of the themes of the III. National Professional Conference: Marta Boronte (quality time); Attila Pongor-Juhasz (physical touch); Erzsebet Farkas, the wonderful presenter from channel Fix Television, spiritual psychology, transpersonal therapeutist (acts of service); Peter Levente, autodidact social being (words of affirmation); Ildiko Dobrentey, author, storyteller (gifts); Laszlo Simon, the author of the book “Diamonds,” the chairman of the Hungarian community of Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission – the Science of Spirituality (our first love language is silence).


“There is no such thing as a ‘self-made’ man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.”
George Mattheus Adams

The dice „from heart to heart” is rolling in the self-knowledge training called The “Dances of my life with the Source of Love, with myself, with others,” which was created by Marta Boronte, and she is pleased to give 25 years of experience in theory, in practice, through her consciousness games, and by showing short movies. See the themes of the training on the back-side.

The foundation was established in 2007 as a dream of its sponsor Attila Pongor-Juhasz, business motivational speaker-trainer and the managing director-owner of Pongor Business Publishing. The services of the foundation to public benefit, its programs and publications can be seen on our webpage.

The dice is rolling, it stops at your heart and my heart calling to love in the circle of joy.

We warmly welcome feedback on how the dice „from heart to heart” has changed your life in terms of love.
We are also pleased to read your ideas about games, as a book may be published from the collection of writings.
Called to Wonders!

The themes of the training “Dances of my life with the Source of Love, with myself, with others”:

  • Searching for the inner source of power

  • Non-violence in communication – giraffe language
  • Antipathy, Sympathy, Empathy
  • Role plays in relationships of couples
  • The five steps of communication
  • A compass for twelve got-stuck situations of life
  • Gains which seem losses
  • The first love language
  • The four steps of anger and its dissolution
  • Achieving emotional freedom
  • Saying no without twinges of conscience
  • The liberating power of forgiveness
  • Experiencing the invisible theatre
  • The power of physical touch
  • The process of mourning
  • Celebration with a grateful heart
  • The healing power of moving and dancing
  • The EMK pill
  • The school of intimac

Download and print your own Hearth to Hearth Dice! For a printable pdf, please click below!



Márta Börönte
president of the advisory board

Translated by Berki Tamás
Consultant : Kurekné Fehér Katalin
